Album: A Million Years EP

Artist: Awake or Sleeping

Skip To: Constellations

I can only describe this incredible EP one way: pure magic. Wistful, dreamy, and imaginative, the songs of A Million Years EP each create their own unique transcendent atmosphere around the listener. It’s music that one can get so pleasantly lost in.

The opening track, “Boy With a Kite,” establishes the overall feel of the EP as the lyrics tell a story of innocent love. A repeating electronic riff – layered over piano and guitar lines – echoes throughout, generating a sound that “floats.” Soft bells and lovely echoing harmonies also add to the feel. The song has a “Peter Pan” feel to me due to the sweet, innocent lyrics and the dreamy images it evokes.

The EP takes a sadder twist in “Old Man Jones.” More acoustic than “Boy With a Kite,” the song tracks old man’s reflections on his life, from war to love to loss. When the man passes away, he leaves a letter for the person listening to these stories. While the song is sad, it concludes in a certain hope. As a person who works with seniors, this song has a special place in my heart. It so respectfully pays tribute to the elderly, a group I so often see forgotten and ignored.

The innocence of the beginning, however, returns in “Sweeter.” The lyrics are as sweet and loving as the title would suggest and a flute line at the beginning establishes that within the instrumentation. The music builds gradually as each new instrument adds something new and distinct to the feel. “Constellations” maintains sweet yet artful lyrics and follows a similar dynamic progression to create an atmospheric feel. It follows an interesting chord progression, surprising the listener.  From the picked guitar notes to the flowing harmonies to the soft, syncopated drums, this song is just a masterpiece.

The EP closes out with “A Million Years,” a track that brings back more of the electronic sound to a lovely effect. More upbeat than the other songs, it acts as a finale as the lyrics express that the speaker won’t let go of love, echoing previous themes on the EP. A Million Years EP is truly a gem. Its dreamy feel makes it so unique and each song is so artfully designed.